Doll Dressing Gallery

Journey Through Reality and Desire

Hot pictures of Tantaly's 2nd doll dressing contest

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Hot pictures of Tantaly's 1st doll dressing contest

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3 winners by luck for the 11th week  Jul. 9 - Jul.15

Vote for your favorite dressing !


We will email the winners within 5 business days.


The naked sex dolls are always exciting, but dressing up sex dolls can fulfill sexual fantasies and add various interests to one's sex life. We are delighted to see customers in the Tantaly community and comment sections sharing their creative ideas and photos of sex doll outfits, whether it's swimsuits, bondage attire, schoolgirl outfits, bunny costumes, or other clothing. It is a creative exploration of sexual play and a great way to add intimacy and allure to sexual experiences. To encourage this behavior and inspire beginners in sex doll dressing, we are organizing a 6-month long Sex Doll Dressing Contest, which is Tantaly's 2nd Dressing Contest.

Submission Reference

1 Year with Aurora(1).png__PID:a8b661fc-1ec2-4681-b465-1fa4fde4b685
TnA_Maid for Pleasure - Eva's Dirty Secret🎭(1).png__PID:61fc1ec2-1681-4465-9fa4-fde4b685b12c
My catwoman Louise ;).png__PID:bdcf04e7-abc1-48b6-a1fc-1ec21681f465
Tantaly Rosie Baby Got Back!.png__PID:cf04e7ab-c1a8-4661-bc1e-c21681f4651f
tantaly monica(1).png__PID:1ec21681-f465-4fa4-bde4-b685b12cf33d
My catwoman Louise ;).png__PID:bdcf04e7-abc1-48b6-a1fc-1ec21681f465
1 Year with Aurora(1).png__PID:a8b661fc-1ec2-4681-b465-1fa4fde4b685
Tantaly Rosie Baby Got Back!.png__PID:cf04e7ab-c1a8-4661-bc1e-c21681f4651f
TnA_Maid for Pleasure - Eva's Dirty Secret🎭(1).png__PID:61fc1ec2-1681-4465-9fa4-fde4b685b12c
tantaly monica(1).png__PID:1ec21681-f465-4fa4-bde4-b685b12cf33d

Tantaly's 2nd sex doll dressing contest in pictures:

Vote for your favorite dressing !

You can vote for your favorite dressing from Jul. 1 to Jul. 15!

News and Secrets

What's new on Tantaly
Britney 2.0, the best male masturbator for beginners.
Britney 2.0 has all-round advantages in size, weight, sexual experience, lifelike touch, price, convenience of cleaning, and easy storage, making it best male masturbator for beginners and the most cost-effective sex doll torso in Tantaly's comprehensive evaluation.
The First Tantaly In-Store Event concluded successfully!
The First Tantaly In-Store Event held on Dec. 14th has come to a successful conclusion! Thank you to all the attendees and fans for your support! Many sex doll enthusiasts and Tantaly fans gathered here to meet Tantaly face-to-face, experience the products firsthand, and participate in user experience sharing and Q&A sessions. Tantaly and everyone enjoyed immersing themselves in this delightful world of pleasure in a lively, open, and free atmosphere!
Join the Tantaly exclusive VIP Club now!
It's absolutely free to join, and every purchase you make earns you rewards! Plus, you can earn even more rewards by following us on social media, writing reviews, and more. It's the ultimate way to save more when you shop with us. Get ready to enjoy ongoing exclusive member benefits!
Australia in Stock Sex Dolls Ready to Ship!
Partial Tantaly popular sex dolls now available in Australia for immediate shipping. Say goodbye to stock shortages, long waits, high shipping, and taxes. Tantaly Australia stock sex dolls delivery estimated in 5-7 business days, free shipping, and 100% discreet. Shop your favorite dolls with confidence!
How to Choose the Right Pocket Pussy for Yourself?
Pocket Pussy, as a popular adult toy, comes in a variety of styles and functions. In this article, you will learn about the types of Pocket Pussy and their pros and cons, helping you find the Pocket Pussy that is more suitable for you, allowing you to enjoy sexual pleasure while also meeting your personal needs.
Enjoy Your Exclusive 15% Discount!
Thanks to the builders of a better future, we are pleased to introduce the Tantaly Care Program, which offers students, teachers, military, first responders, paramedics and valued seniors 65 and older an exclusive 15% discount on all products. Thanks to your hard work, let's embrace a more comfortable lifestyle together.
Explore everything about sex doll torsos with Tantaly subreddit members!
Explore, discover, discuss everything related to sex doll torso with members of the Tantaly subreddit, including dressing up, reviews, new techniques, cleaning, maintenance guides, and more; here, you can see the endless possibilities of enjoying sex doll torsos.
Tantaly made a dazzling appearance at the Australia Sexpo
From April 5-7, 2024, the largest and most prestigious adult exhibition in the world, Australia Sexpo, took place at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre as scheduled. Since its debut in 1996, Sexpo has been the ultimate adult playground in Australia, delivering a mix of sexy fun, educational vibes, and lifestyle inspo to all. Enjoy a wild ride full of entertainment, knowledge and sheer excitement with Tantaly!
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